The Principles of Effectuation

          What are the practices of Expert Entrepreneurs?










          Effectual Cycle 2022 with Label (600 × 270 px)




          Bird In Hand Principle

          When expert entrepreneurs seek to build a new venture, they start with their means. These means can be grouped into three categories:

          • Who I am—my traits, tastes, and abilities
          • What I know—my education, training, expertise, and experience
          • Who I know—my social and professional networks.

          Using a combination of these means, the entrepreneur begins to imagine possibilities and take action. Most often, she starts very small with the closest means and moves almost directly into implementation without elaborate planning (fire, aim versus aim, fire). With each action, possible outcomes are reconfigured. Eventually, certain emerging effects coalesce into clearly achievable and desirable goals—landmarks begin to appear on the blank map. The end goals are the combined result of the imagination and aspirations of the entrepreneur and the people she has interacted with during the process.

          Research Papers :

          Affordable Loss: Behavioral Economic Aspects of the Plunge Decision
          Configurations of effectuation, causation, and bricolage: implications for firm growth paths
          Enhancing the understanding of processes and outcomes of innovation – the contribution of effectuation to S-D logic
          HelppoAsu aikoo tehdä Metallicat ja valloittaa maailman effektuaalisesti
          Learning from failures in business model innovation: solving decision‐making logic conficts through intrapreneurial efectuation
          Metallicalta oppia suomalaiselle elinkeinoelämälle – Kuinka raivataan tie autotallista maailman huipulle ja luodaan uudet markkinat
          Offical Response to Arend et al: Co-Creating Effectual Entrepreneurship Research
          Siding with the Angels – Business Angel Investing: Promising Outcomes and Effective Strategies
          Unreasonable Assumptions in ASB
          What Makes Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurial?
          Why Metallica changed music world – Effectuation perspective

          Articles :

          1. 3M: 7 Pillars of Innovations
          2. 9 Dragons: A Profit from Waste
          3. A Healthy Message
          4. A Struggle Between Efficiency and Creativity at 3M
          5. Another Man’s Treasure – The Agilyx Story
          6. As revenues crash, startups learn to adapt products, services
          7. Bacaina Veche
          8. Barefoot Wine (in Finnish)
          9. Beauty in Business
          10. Bio Generation
          11. Breathe of Fresh Air the Story of Gore Tex
          12. Browning-Ferris (BFI): How to Learn to Let Go
          13. Business Activist
          14. Business Cycle – Terracycle
          15. Business for Dummies the Story of Mannequin Madness
          16. Business Legs from Recycling
          17. Creator of Dollars and Change – The Story of Ashoka
          18. Cube Route to Riches: the Story of Rubik Cube
          19. Delivering Entrepreneurship
          20. Destination Unknown – The Story of Couchsurfing
          21. Do You Need To Be A Risk Taker To Be An Entrepreneur?
          22. Eco-Envelopes: Many Happy Returns
          23. Empowerment Through Ideas: Teaching Effectuation in Pakistan
          24. Entrepreneur Journey
          25. Entrepreneurial Advice
          26. Entrepreneurship model for biopharma industry
          27. Fair Dinkum
          28. Forgetful Entrepreneur
          29. Founder in First Gear
          30. From Cash to Trash: the Story of Plas2Fuel
          31. Get your business plan right
          32. Identity Chip – The Story of Stacy’s Pita Chips
          33. Like Anyone Else
          34. Like Science, even entrepreneurship should be taught at the school level: Darden Prof Saras D Sarasvathy
          35. Making Waves: the Story of WaveBob
          36. Manifesto for Effectual Action / Manifesto para a Ação Efetual
          37. Out of Sight – The Story of Unsicht-Bar
          38. Picture Perfect
          39. Power Shock – The Story of Levant Power
          40. Profit with a Purpose – The Story of Vestergaard Frandsen
          41. Psychological Entrepreneurship
          42. Recycling $100 Bills
          43. Social Success Made Simple
          44. Sprint Finishes – how Guidewire organizes for innovation
          45. Swedish Economic Forum Report of Entrepreneurship Education
          46. Testing the Waters: the Story of Aquastasis
          47. The code of how great entrepreneurs think
          48. The Entrepreneur’s Hand on the Wheel
          49. The Little Entrepreneur
          50. The Moving Picture Show: One True Media
          51. The Price of Social Innovation
          52. The Rise of Entrepreneurial Thinking
          53. The Story of Gardener’s Eden
          54. The Story of OneWorld Health
          55. USAID Reports on Effectuation in Youth Entrepreneurship Programs
          56. Winds of Change – the Story of Ecotricity



          Affordable Loss Principle

          In much of the business world, the manager in charge of launching a new product analyses the market and chooses segments with the highest expected value. It is a natural reflex that is the result of years of training around a single mantra: maximize returns by selecting the optimal strategy for your target. Expert entrepreneurs turn this logic on its head—they think in terms of affordable loss rather than expected returns. They decide what they are willing to lose rather than what they expect to make. Instead of calculating upfront how much money they will need to launch their project and investing time, effort, and energy in raising that money, the effectual entrepreneur tries to estimate the downside and examines what she is willing to lose. The entrepreneur then uses the process of building the project to bring other stakeholders on board and leverage what they can afford to lose together. An estimate of affordable loss does not depend on the venture but on the person. It varies from person to person and even across his or her life stages and circumstances. For the Greenwoods (GoodKaarma article), affordable loss did not permit the use of cash, but did include the use of their old farmhouse. By allowing estimates of affordable loss to drive decisions about which venture to start, entrepreneurs stop depending on prediction. Instead, they focus on cultivating opportunities that have a low failure cost and that generate more options for the future. The combination enables cheap failure and learning that can be applied to the next iteration of the opportunity. This does not mean that entrepreneurs choose projects that won’t cost a lot if they fail—or that they do not expect to make a lot of money. It simply acknowledges that uncertain new venture opportunities are difficult to value upfront, whereas the investment of time, money, and other resources is quantifiable, manageable and controllable.

          Research Papers :

          Affordable Loss: Behavioral Economic Aspects of the Plunge Decision
          Configurations of effectuation, causation, and bricolage: implications for firm growth paths
          Effectuation in the Management of Knightian Uncertainty: Evidence From the RealNetworks Case
          Enhancing the understanding of processes and outcomes of innovation – the contribution of effectuation to S-D logic
          HelppoAsu aikoo tehdä Metallicat ja valloittaa maailman effektuaalisesti
          Learning from failures in business model innovation: solving decision‐making logic conficts through intrapreneurial efectuation
          Metallicalta oppia suomalaiselle elinkeinoelämälle – Kuinka raivataan tie autotallista maailman huipulle ja luodaan uudet markkinat
          Offical Response to Arend et al: Co-Creating Effectual Entrepreneurship Research
          Selection and Return in Angel Investments
          Unreasonable Assumptions in ASB
          What Makes Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurial?
          Why Metallica changed music world – Effectuation perspective


          Articles :

          1. 3M: 7 Pillars of Innovation
          2. As revenues crash, startups learn to adapt products, services
          3. Bacaina Veche
          4. Barefoot Wine (in Finnish)
          5. Beauty in Business
          6. Browning-Ferris (BFI): How to Learn to Let Go
          7. Business Activist
          8. Creator of Dollars and Change – The Story of Ashoka
          9. Do You Need To Be A Risk Taker To Be An Entrepreneur?
          10. Eco-Envelopes: Many Happy Returns
          11. Entrepreneurial Advice
          12. Entrepreneurship model for biopharma industry
          13. Fair Dinkum
          14. Forgetful Entrepreneur
          15. Founder in First Gear
          16. From Cash to Trash: the Story of Plas2Fuel
          17. Get your business plan right
          18. Hydration Technology: Unrisky Business
          19. Identity Chip – The Story of Stacy’s Pita Chips
          20. Like Anyone Else
          21. Like Science, even entrepreneurship should be taught at the school level: Darden Prof Saras D Sarasvathy
          22. Luminary – The Story of Lumni
          23. Manifesto for Effectual Action / Manifesto para a Ação Efetual
          24. Picture Perfect
          25. Recycling $100 Bills
          27. Social Success Made Simple
          28. Swedish Economic Forum Report of Entrepreneurship Education
          29. Testing the Waters: the Story of Aquastasis
          30. The code of how great entrepreneurs think
          31. The Little Entrepreneur
          32. The Rise of Entrepreneurial Thinking
          33. The Story of Gardener’s Eden
          34. The Story of OneWorld Health
          35. USAID Reports on Effectuation in Youth Entrepreneurship Programs
          36. UVA Darden Effectuation Pioneer Receives Global Legacy Impact Award




          Crazy Quilt Principle

          The crazy quilt principle of effectual reasoning is the focus on building partnerships rather than beating competitors. Since entrepreneurs tend to start the process without assuming the existence of a predetermined market for their idea, they don’t know who their competitors will be, so detailed competitive analyses have little value. Instead, entrepreneurs generally take the product to the nearest potential customer. Some of the people they interact with make a commitment to the venture, committing time and/or money and/or resources and, thus, self-select into the new-venture creation process. The partnership principle dovetails well with the affordable loss principle to bring the entrepreneur’s idea to market with very little cash expenditure. Obtaining pre-commitments from key stakeholders, suppliers or customers helps reduce uncertainty in the early stages of creating an enterprise. Finally, since the entrepreneur is not wedded to any particular market for his or her idea, the expanding network of strategic partnerships determines, to a great extent, which market or markets the company will eventually end up entering or creating.

          Research Papers :

          Configurations of effectuation, causation, and bricolage: implications for firm growth paths
          Effectual Networks: A Pre-commitment Approach to Bridging the Gap Between Opportunism and Trust
          Effectuation in the Management of Knightian Uncertainty: Evidence From the RealNetworks Case
          Enhancing the understanding of processes and outcomes of innovation – the contribution of effectuation to S-D logic
          HelppoAsu aikoo tehdä Metallicat ja valloittaa maailman effektuaalisesti
          Learning from failures in business model innovation: solving decision‐making logic conficts through intrapreneurial efectuation
          Metallicalta oppia suomalaiselle elinkeinoelämälle – Kuinka raivataan tie autotallista maailman huipulle ja luodaan uudet markkinat
          Offical Response to Arend et al: Co-Creating Effectual Entrepreneurship Research
          Unreasonable Assumptions in ASB
          What Makes Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurial?
          Why Metallica changed music world – Effectuation perspective

          Articles :

          1. 3M: 7 Pillars of Innovation
          2. A Healthy Message
          3. As revenues crash, startups learn to adapt products, services
          4. Barefoot Wine (in Finnish)
          5. Beauty in Business
          6. Bio Generation
          7. Business Activist
          8. Business Cycle – Terracycle
          9. Creator of Dollars and Change – The Story of Ashoka
          10. Cube Route to Riches: the Story of Rubik Cube
          11. Destination Unknown – The Story of Couchsurfing
          12. Do You Need To Be A Risk Taker To Be An Entrepreneur?
          13. Eco-Envelopes: Many Happy Returns
          14. Entrepreneurship model for biopharma industry
          15. Fair Dinkum
          16. Forgetful Entrepreneur
          17. Founder in First Gear
          18. Get your business plan right
          19. Hydration Technology: Unrisky Business
          20. Like Science, even entrepreneurship should be taught at the school level: Darden Prof Saras D Sarasvathy
          21. Making Waves: the Story of WaveBob
          22. Manifesto for Effectual Action / Manifesto para a Ação Efetual
          23. Money from Nothing – The Redhat Story
          24. Oat Cuisine – the Story of Oatly
          25. Out of Sight – The Story of Unsicht-Bar
          26. Picture Perfect
          27. Power of Profit – The Story of Husk
          28. Profit with a Purpose – The Story of Vestergaard Frandsen
          29. Psychological Entrepreneurship
          30. Recycling $100 Bills
          32. Social Success Made Simple
          33. Sole Survivor: the Story of Geox
          34. Swedish Economic Forum Report of Entrepreneurship Education
          35. Testing the Waters: the Story of Aquastasis
          36. The code of how great entrepreneurs think
          37. The Moving Picture Show: One True Media
          38. The Rise of Entrepreneurial Thinking
          39. The Story of Gardener’s Eden
          40. The Story of OneWorld Health
          41. USAID Reports on Effectuation in Youth Entrepreneurship Programs
          42. UVA Darden Effectuation Pioneer Receives Global Legacy Impact Award
          43. Winds of Change – the Story of Ecotricity




          Lemonade Principle

          If you come across lemons, make lemonade! The third principle of effectual reasoning is at the heart of entrepreneurial expertise—the ability to turn the unexpected into the profitable. Expert entrepreneurs learn not only to work with surprises but also to take advantage of them. In most contingency plans, surprises are bad—the worst-case scenarios. But because entrepreneurs do not tie their idea to any theorized or preconceived “market,” anything and everything is potentially a surprise that can lead to a valuable opportunity.

          Research Papers :

          Causation and Effectuation: Toward a Theoretical Shift From Economic Inevitability to Entrepreneurial Contingency
          Configurations of effectuation, causation, and bricolage: implications for firm growth paths
          Effectuation in the Management of Knightian Uncertainty: Evidence From the RealNetworks Case
          Enhancing the understanding of processes and outcomes of innovation – the contribution of effectuation to S-D logic
          HelppoAsu aikoo tehdä Metallicat ja valloittaa maailman effektuaalisesti
          Learning from failures in business model innovation: solving decision‐making logic conficts through intrapreneurial efectuation
          Metallicalta oppia suomalaiselle elinkeinoelämälle – Kuinka raivataan tie autotallista maailman huipulle ja luodaan uudet markkinat
          Offical Response to Arend et al: Co-Creating Effectual Entrepreneurship Research
          Unreasonable Assumptions in ASB
          What Makes Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurial?
          Why Metallica changed music world – Effectuation perspective

          Articles :

          1. 3M: 7 Pillars of Innovation
          2. 9 Dragons: A Profit from Waste
          3. As revenues crash, startups learn to adapt products, services
          4. Barefoot Wine (in Finnish)
          5. Beauty in Business
          6. Business Activist
          7. Creator of Dollars and Change – The Story of Ashoka
          8. Do You Need To Be A Risk Taker To Be An Entrepreneur?
          9. Entrepreneurship model for biopharma industry
          10. Fair Dinkum
          11. Founder in First Gear
          12. From Cash to Trash: the Story of Plas2Fuel
          13. Get your business plan right
          14. Identity Chip – The Story of Stacy’s Pita Chips
          15. Manifesto for Effectual Action / Manifesto para a Ação Efetual
          16. Oat Cuisine – the Story of Oatly
          17. Out of Sight – The Story of Unsicht-Bar
          18. Recycling $100 Bills
          20. Something New Under the Sun – The Story of NanoSolar
          21. Swedish Economic Forum Report of Entrepreneurship Education
          22. The code of how great entrepreneurs think
          23. The Lemonade Principle: Staples, Silly Putty, Honda
          24. The Moving Picture Show: One True Media
          25. The Rise of Entrepreneurial Thinking
          26. USAID Reports on Effectuation in Youth Entrepreneurship Programs
          27. UVA Darden Effectuation Pioneer Receives Global Legacy Impact Award
          28. Winds of Change – the Story of Ecotricity




          Pilot in the Plane Principle

          The struggle for personal control is as old as humankind itself—primitive and innate. There is abundant evidence that most people desire control of the events in their lives, indeed over their lives, and that such strivings for control span history and cultures. The venues, mechanisms and instruments for control-striving today are different than they used to be, but the issue remains. In fact, psychological research suggests that an enormous range of human behaviours relate to control striving in some way and are intrinsically linked to healthy human functioning. For example, personal control is linked to the development of self-esteem and the reduction of stress, whereas loss of control increases the likelihood of feelings of helplessness and depression. In other words, having a desire for control over your life doesn’t make you a “control freak” (despite what your friends may say!). Instead, it is normal and healthy. Many entrepreneurs instinctively recognize the importance of personal control: fundamentally, many chose entrepreneurship because they want to be their own boss and choose their own course. Control enables entrepreneurs to work on things they think are important, set their own schedules and work with whom they want. Many entrepreneurs attest that they feel differently about running a business they own as compared with working for a wage, and that they value being in control. For them, the experience of personal control is closely associated with freedom, self-direction and autonomy. The strength of a person’s desire for control can be thought of as an element of his or her means: “Who you are.” While everyone has some desire for control, the intensity of that desire varies among individuals and over the course of a lifetime. For example, a high desire for control may motivate someone to become an entrepreneur, but the experience of working for himself may strengthen the desire even further—he may not be able to imagine working for anyone else again.

          Research Papers :

          Accounting for the Future: Psychological Aspects of Effectual Entrepreneurship
          Affordable Loss: Behavioral Economic Aspects of the Plunge Decision
          Beyond hubris: How highly confident entrepreneurs rebound to venture again
          Constructing Corridors to Economic Primitives: Entrepreneurial Opportunities as Demand-side Artifacts
          Enhancing the understanding of processes and outcomes of innovation – the contribution of effectuation to S-D logic
          Entrepreneurship as a science of the artificial
          Entrepreneurship as Method: Open Questions for an Entrepreneurial Future
          Failing Firms And Successful Entrepreneurs: Serial Entrepreneurship As A Simple Machine
          HelppoAsu aikoo tehdä Metallicat ja valloittaa maailman effektuaalisesti
          How do Firms Come to Be? Towards a Theory of the Entrepreneurial Process
          Immortal Firms in Mortal Markets? How Entrepreneurs Deal with “The Innovators’ Dilemma”
          Learning from failures in business model innovation: solving decision‐making logic conficts through intrapreneurial efectuation
          Metallicalta oppia suomalaiselle elinkeinoelämälle – Kuinka raivataan tie autotallista maailman huipulle ja luodaan uudet markkinat
          Offical Response to Arend et al: Co-Creating Effectual Entrepreneurship Research
          On the Entrepreneurial Genesis of New Markets: Effectual Transformations Versus Causal Search and selection
          Prediction and Control Under Uncertainty: Outcomes in Angel Investing
          Selection and Return in Angel Investments
          Siding with the Angels – Business Angel Investing: Promising Outcomes and Effective Strategies
          The Coevolution of Institutional Entrepreneurship: A Tale of Two Theories
          The Economic Implications of Exaptation
          The entrepreneur–environment nexus: Uncertainty, innovation, and allocation
          The Role of Prediction in New Venture Investing
          Unreasonable Assumptions in ASB
          What Makes Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurial?
          Why Metallica changed music world – Effectuation perspective

          Articles :


          1. 3M: 7 Pillars of Innovation
          2. A Healthy Message
          3. As revenues crash, startups learn to adapt products, services
          4. Barefoot Wine (in Finnish)
          5. Beauty in Business
          6. Bio Generation
          7. Breathe of Fresh Air the Story of Gore Tex
          8. Browning-Ferris (BFI): How to Learn to Let Go
          9. Business Activist
          10. Cirque du Soleil – The Show Must Go On
          11. Cool in a Crisis – The Entrepreneurial Upside of the Downturn
          12. Creating Breakthroughs at 3M
          13. Creator of Dollars and Change – The Story of Ashoka
          14. Cube Route to Riches: the Story of Rubik Cube
          15. Delivering Entrepreneurship
          16. Do You Need To Be A Risk Taker To Be An Entrepreneur?
          17. Eco-Envelopes: Many Happy Returns
          18. Entrepreneur Journey
          19. Entrepreneurial Advice
          20. Entrepreneurship model for biopharma industry
          21. Fair Dinkum
          22. Forgetful Entrepreneur
          23. Founder in First Gear
          24. From Cash to Trash: the Story of Plas2Fuel
          25. Get your business plan right
          26. Identity Chip – The Story of Stacy’s Pita Chips
          27. Like Anyone Else
          28. Like Science, even entrepreneurship should be taught at the school level: Darden Prof Saras D Sarasvathy
          29. Luminary – The Story of Lumni
          30. Make it Personal: Freitag and Sigg
          31. Making Waves: the Story of WaveBob
          32. Manifesto for Effectual Action / Manifesto para a Ação Efetual
          33. Oat Cuisine - The Story of Oatly
          34. Out of Sight – The Story of Unsicht-Bar
          35. Picture Perfect
          36. Power Shock – The Story of Levant Power
          37. Psychological Entrepreneurship
          38. Recycling $100 Bills
          40. Social Success Made Simple
          41. Sole Survivor: the Story of Geox
          42. Sprint Finishes – how Guidewire organizes for innovation
          43. Swedish Economic Forum Report of Entrepreneurship Education
          44. Testing the Waters: the Story of Aquastasis
          45. The code of how great entrepreneurs think
          46. The Entrepreneur’s Hand on the Wheel
          47. The Lemonade Principle: Staples, Silly Putty, Honda
          48. The Little Entrepreneur
          49. The Moving Picture Show: One True Media
          50. The Price of Social Innovation
          51. The Rise of Entrepreneurial Thinking
          52. The Story of Gardener’s Eden
          53. The Story of OneWorld Health
          54. USAID Reports on Effectuation in Youth Entrepreneurship Programs
          55. UVA Darden Effectuation Pioneer Receives Global Legacy Impact Award



          Effectual Cycle 2022 with Label (600 × 270 px)

          Effectual Cycle

          The entrepreneur’s means provide the starting point. The action begins in earnest when the entrepreneur begins interacting with people. Sometimes the starting point of that interaction is an idea, a provisional goal the entrepreneur uses to initiate the interaction. Sometimes the interaction is specifically initiated in the terms of “what can we do?” as the entrepreneur determines possibilities together with the person she interacts with. Regardless, each interaction can terminate without a commitment. In that case, the opportunity, as the entrepreneur and that specific person she interacts with envisioned, is on hold. Alternatively, that interaction might result in a commitment. As we described upfront, those commitments have two effects. One effect of adding a stakeholder to the venture is the addition of that stakeholder’s means—the possibilities those means suggest. At the same time, new goals also accompany the commitment, adding to the constraints accumulated by the venture and converging it toward a specific direction. At any time in this cycle, unexpected events, information and meetings can change the environment the venture is developing. Those contingencies have similar effects to commitments. On one hand, they present new resources—new means the entrepreneur can use to expand the possibilities of the venture. On the other hand, they present new constraints also, perhaps sending the venture in a more specific direction.

          Research Papers :

          On the Entrepreneurial Genesis of New Markets: Effectual Transformations Versus Causal Search and selection
          Questions from the Effectuation Conference June 6 & 7, Bodo Norway

          Articles :

          1. A Struggle Between Efficiency and Creativity at 3M
          2. Another Man’s Treasure – The Agilyx Story
          3. Beauty in Business
          4. Business for Dummies the Story of Mannequin Madness
          5. Business Legs from Recycling
          6. Chocolate Magic – The Story of Manon Chocolatier
          7. Clean Start – Good Kaarma
          8. Coffee Found or Coffee Made
          9. Dead Ringer – The Story of 1-800-Autopsy
          10. Delivering Entrepreneurship
          11. Do You Need To Be A Risk Taker To Be An Entrepreneur?
          12. Driving Backward
          13. Driving the Future – The Story of Better Place
          14. Entrepreneurial Distinction
          15. Fail to Succeed – The Story of MGA Entertainment
          16. Founder in First Gear
          17. How Great Entrepreneurs Think
          18. Hunting with the pack – The Story of Baloo Patel
          19. Let the Music Speak – The Story of the Compact Disc
          20. Like Science, even entrepreneurship should be taught at the school level: Darden Prof Saras D Sarasvathy
          21. Loosen The Reins Without Losing Control
          22. Meyer
          23. Milk without Cows?
          24. Navigating a Sea of Potential Partners
          25. New Ventures: The result is rarely the starting point
          26. Persist Easy; Swerve Hard – The Story of EasyAuto
          27. Pie in the Sky
          28. Power in the Air – The Story of Powerkiss
          30. Sending a Green Message
          31. Surprise in a Glass – The Story of Innis & Gunn
          32. Swedish Economic Forum Report of Entrepreneurship Education
          33. The Accidental Entrepreneur
          34. The Plunge Decision
          35. U-Haul
          36. UVA Darden Effectuation Pioneer Receives Global Legacy Impact Award
          37. Venturing Out? Start with What You Know – The Story of Boing Boing
          38. A Struggle Between Efficiency and Creativity at 3M