Effectuation 2024 Speaker Biographies

          Bridging Research & Practice


          9th Effectuation Conference - 

          Bridging Research & Practice

          Keynote Speaker Biographies

          Professor Saras D. Sarasvathy is a member of the Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Ethics area. In addition to MBA and doctoral courses in entrepreneurship at Darden, she teaches in doctoral programs in Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa.  

          Saras Sarasvathy_Headshot_1_1400x1400_preferred (2)Sarasvathy came into academia after cofounding and running five ventures spanning three countries. Currently, she serves on the board of Lending Tree (Nasdaq TREE), Upekkha,  a SaaS accelerator in Bangalore, India, as well as on advisory boards for academic institutions in Europe and Asia. 

          In 2022, the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum (Entreprenörskapsforum) and the Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) awarded Sarasvathy the highest recognition for research in the field of entrepreneurship: 2022 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research.  

          Other recognitions for her contributions to teaching and practice include: 
          1. Fortune Small Business magazine’s top 18 entrepreneurship professors  
          2. Legacy Impact Award from the Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers  
          3. Schumpeter EU SME Honored Lecture

          In addition to Babson College in the US, universities around the world (India, China, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Greece) have also recognized Sarasvathy’s contributions to entrepreneurship research and education by awarding her three professorships and four honorary doctorates. 

          A leading scholar on the cognitive basis for high-performance entrepreneurship, Sarasvathy has served on the editorial boards of top management and entrepreneurship journals. Her scholarly work has won several awards from the American Marketing Association and the Academy of Management in 2017. Her book Effectuation: Elements of Entrepreneurial Expertise was nominated for the 2009 Terry Book Award by the Academy of Management. 

          The research program based on effectuation involves over a hundred scholars from around the world whose published and working papers can be found at www.effectuation.org. Sarasvathy has also developed several cases and other instructional materials to teach effectuation. The best-seller textbook she co-authored, Effectual Entrepreneurship won the Gold Medal in the 2012 Axiom Business Book Awards. 

          In addition to a master's degree in industrial administration, Sarasvathy received her Ph.D. in information systems from Carnegie Mellon University. Her thesis on entrepreneurial expertise was supervised by Herbert Simon, 1978 Nobel Laureate in Economics. Here are links to her SSRN Author Page, her TEDx talk, a video interview with Big Think, a webinar from the World Bank and one from the Academy of Management. 

          LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saras-d-sarasvathy/

          CV Link: https://www.darden.virginia.edu/sites/default/files/inline-files/Sarasvathy%2002_2024%20Full%20cv.pdf

          Slavica Singer is Professor Emeritus of Entrepreneurship at the J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, Croatia. Her working Slavica-Singer-web-700x560pxexperience started in the corporate sector (six years) and was followed by her university career (from 1973 till retirement in 2012). From 1996 Slavica has been leading activities related to developing a local and national entrepreneurship ecosystem. In 2000 she and her team were became pioneers in research-based entrepreneurship education in Croatia by starting the first graduate program in entrepreneurship. From 2002 she has been leading the Croatian Global Entrepreneurship Monitor research team. In the last 15 years she participated in various EU-funded projects related to entrepreneurship education. She is currently a member of the Croatian Competitiveness Council, Club of Rome - Croatian Chapter and board member of the European Council of Small Business.

          LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/slavica-singer-27a7634/



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